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Wisdom Tooth Removal

Scoresby Tooth Extractions and Oral Surgery

Young women looking at phoneYour wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars to erupt into your mouth. They usually appear sometime during the mid-teens to late 20s. Known for troublesome complications and painful swelling, wisdom teeth are often removed on a proactive basis to avoid oral health concerns in the future.

During your wisdom tooth extraction, our highly-trained dentists will use comfortable techniques including sedation dentistry to ensure that you feel relaxed throughout the duration of your procedure.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Removed?

Because of their location at the back of your mouth, wisdom teeth are often susceptible to oral health problems such as:

  • Developing at an angle, becoming impacted within the jaw
  • Pressing into adjacent teeth, causing damage or crowding
  • Cysts or tumours around the developing tooth
  • Partial eruption, making them hard to clean
  • Ongoing tooth decay and periodontal disease

To minimise the risk of damage in neighbouring teeth, wisdom teeth are often extracted prior to the onset of infection.

Your Oral Surgery Experience

Planning to have your wisdom teeth removed will take a bit of preparation in regard to your appointment and recovery. After we take an OPG scan of your mouth to determine the best approach to your extraction, we’ll arrange the procedure and line up appropriate sedation choices. When the teeth have been removed, we may place a few dissolvable sutures and organize a follow-up appointment to remove them a few days later.

Allow yourself up to two weeks off work or school for recovery. Take any medications as prescribed, including antibiotics or pain relievers. During the first 24 hours, alternate a warm and cold compress against the side of your face to minimise inflammation. Eating soft foods such as pudding, jelly and nutritional shakes will minimize discomfort during the healing process.

Symptoms of Infected Wisdom Teeth

If you are unsure whether your discomfort is due to wisdom teeth, be on the lookout for some of these common symptoms:

  • Tooth misalignment and changes in your bite
  • Inflammation and infection in your gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Problems swallowing
  • Fever
  • Food becoming lodged around your back teeth

Do You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Schedule a third molar evaluation today to find out.

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Wisdom Teeth Removal Scoresby, Knoxfield, Wantirna South VIC | (03) 9759 9066